Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Zen Moments

I had to read this three times before I understood what it really meant. It is kind of confusing. Essentially it is a zen like saying about how we should try to live our lives more fully. Instead of letting our minds worry about everything all the time, we should take those moments where we don't need to be thinking, we don't need to be worrying and instead, find peace within ourselves. While you are waiting for the elevator, don't think about the email your boss sent you yesterday, just relax, clear your mind and just BE!

A friend sent this too me yesterday, she is trying to rewire my brain I think, maybe not be quit so intense. Thinking is what I do, it is what I do at work and its what I do for fun, heck sometimes I am thinking about 2 or 3 different things at the same time. This will be my struggle for the year I think, I am use to living a life of doing, maybe it is time for me to slow down and think less, live less inside my own brain.

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