A couple of weeks ago I ran "Don't say Vecna" for my player. When I was reading through the adventure in preparation for the game, I could not help but notice the keys to access the portal to Vecna's lair were the hand and eye of one of the inhabitants of the tower. Of course these were not magic items and the persons name was not Kevin, but I thought it would be hilarious if these items were watered down versions of the real thing. This is what I came up with;
The Eye of Kevin
- You have Darkvision for 120 feet, if you already have Darkvision, the Eye doubles the distance of your Darkvision.
- Any spell requiring an attack roll you make deals an extra 2d8 cold damage on a hit.
The Hand of Kevin
- Your Strength score becomes 16, unless it is already 16 or higher, then you receive a +2 to your Strength score up to a maximum of 20.
- Any melee weapon attack made with a weapon held by it, deals an extra 2d8 cold damage on a hit.
Both the Hand and Eye of Kevin
- You gain proficiency in Intimidation, if you already have Intimidation, you gain Expertise in Intimidation.
- If you start your turn with at least 1 hit point, you may roll 1 Hit Die to regain hit points.
The Hand and Eye of Kevin requires separate attunment. Attunment takes place upon touching the item and causes 2d6 psychic damage and 2d6 necrotic damage. The items integrate themselves into the characters body and retain the look of the item, which will disturb most people unless effort is made to cover them up with an eye patch, glove or illusion. The character can remove attunment at any time, in which case they once again take 2d6 psychic damage and 2d6 necrotic damage, but otherwise return to the state they were in prior to attunement.